The Importance of Regular Dog Teeth Brushing - FURR Collective

The Importance of Regular Dog Teeth Brushing

As a super important topic, I'm excited to share our top tips and advice on caring for your furry friend's teeth. As pet owners this isn't an area that comes up often enough and considering what health implications poor dental health can have on a pet, it's an important area for pet owner to be aware of.



Oral hygiene is integral to both humans and pets. Bacteria from dental disease can cause inflammation and travel to organs throughout the body and cause issues like kidney, liver and heart diseases and can even cause diabetes. 

It can also cause huge discomfort to your pet and therefore have a negative impact on their quality of life.

You can read more about the consequences of poor dental hygiene here


Just like we need to brush our teeth twice a day and need professional cleaning, it is the same for our furry friends.

Smaller breeds may require full anesthetic dental yearly and larger breeds may need this every few years along with daily at home brushing.


For beginners

If you’ve never cleaned your dog’s teeth, try cleaning one tooth a day with this recipe to get your dog used to it and minimise stress. You can use gauze bandaging around your finger to massage it in. Doing it gradually each day will help ease them into the routine and remember to reward them too with cuddles and healthy treats!

Natural toothpaste recipe

  • x2 tablespoons Bicarbonate of Soda 
  • x2 tablespoons Coconut Oil
  • x1 drop Peppermint Essential Oil
  • Dog Toothbrush (use gauze bandaging around your finger or a silicone finger toothbrush)


  • Combine ingredients, mix well and store in a glass jar.
  • Use toothbrush or bandaging and dip into paste.
  • Massage the mixture on your dog's teeth.

Recipe by Dr Karen Becker and Rodney Habib

For more information on how to brush your dogs teeth and other key grooming tips, download our free Grooming Guide

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